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Category: Estate Planning

By: one400-admin / Estate Planning , Living Trusts
Caught in the Undertow: How No Estate Plan (or a Bad One) Could Leave Your Family Overwhelmed

Many people love to spend part of their summer vacation at the beach, enjoying the ocean and sunshine. But there may be unseen dangers that .

By: one400-admin / Advance Directives , Estate Planning , Financial Power of Attorney , Living Trusts
Caring For Yourself with the Right Estate Planning Prescription

To all front-line and “essential” workers: Thank you for all of your hard work—day in and day out (and often evenings, nights, and weekends). You .

By: one400-admin / Estate Planning
Your Definitive Probate Bond Guide

Probate is difficult already, but when a court orders you to get a probate bond, what do you do? Look no further?

By: one400-admin / Estate Planning
Trustee Pay: How Much is Too Much?

Usually trustees are allowed to receive compensation for their work. But how much is too much? Find out!

By: one400-admin / Estate Planning
Top 10 Awesome Benefits of Irrevocable Trusts

The benefits of an irrevocable trust far outweigh the expense and effort it takes to create them. Here’s why.